Although social work is a helping profession, the helpers themselves are likely to be frustrated and burnt-out under the work conditions with over work loading and high pressure. Under these circumstances, social workers badly need their supervisors fulfilling their administrative, educational, and supportive functions. Just like the interaction between social workers and service users, the relationships between the protective social workers and their supervisors also change dynamically from time to time. Many factors result in the relational impasse, such as organizational factors, individual factors, and relational factors. In reality, the supervisory process is more focus on the issues of power relation and function of surveillance, the function of emotion support is often overlooked. Therefore, this study attempted to include the perspective of positive psychology into the supervisory relationship and, based on the author's field experience as a protective social worker and supervisor over the past years, provide social workers and supervisors with some thoughts and strategies and thus help them establish a positive supervisory relationship. The positive psychology emphasizes that autonomy, competency, and a sense of emotional connection are the basic needs throughout our life course. The author believes that all of these needs were consistent with the philosophy of social work. First of all, everybody in a supervisory relationship has to be treated as an individual subject instead of a tool. Secondly, positive traits and thinking ability have to be developed. Finally, supervisors have to treat compassion and emotional connection as important tasks in the supervisory relationship. The strategies of positive supervision, including a multiple and flexible supervisory model based on individual social worker's needs, developing positive thinking ability from frustration (e.g. the service user's death or burnt-out), construction of a positive interactive cycle, learning how to be responsible for oneself, etc. The positive supervisory relationship has to be fulfilled through the ongoing self-reflection and caring each other between supervisors and supervisees.
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