


The Reflection on an Integrated Implementation of Social Work and Restorative Justice Treatment for Adult Victims in the Domestic Violence, illustrated by the Tainan Women's Rights Association


李易蓁(I-Chen Lee);楊巧鈴(Qiao-Ling Yang)


社會工作 ; 修復式司法 ; 家庭暴力 ; 成人保護 ; social work ; restorative justice ; domestic violence ; adult protection




13期(2014 / 01 / 01)


69+71 - 99




傳統上多將家暴被害人與施暴者分開處遇,但親密暴力涉及糾葛情感,關係不易切割。而即使法入家門,期待藉由司法嚇阻暴力,卻似乎亦未能十足保障被害人安全。其次,Bowker(1983)已論證受虐婦女可與施暴者在維繫關係的情況下成功終止暴力(引自Davis, 1998)。故如何協助打造非暴力互動關係,而非一昧隔絕,方是終止暴力的關鍵要素。有鑑於此,修復式司法是否為另類解決模式在近年有不少討論。台南市女權會基於在提供保護性服務過程中,看到一定比例的家暴被害人仍期待與施暴者修復關係或仍有一定生活交集。乃在2011、2012年嘗試結合社工處遇及修復式司法,跨專業共同協助具刑事訴訟困擾之成人保護個案。只是,修復式司法是否適用於家暴事件,仍有爭論;跨專業合作不免需要磨合、實驗性方案的挑戰,被害人困境是否能確實化解更是需關注之焦點。筆者有幸分別擔任此方案之外聘督導與專案社工,並均有多年服務家暴被害人之實務經驗,僅以本文統整服務期間所見、所聞、所思,並與相關文獻對話。期待能藉此拋磚引玉,激發更多人思考結合社工處遇與修復式法之可行性,進而開發嶄新服務模式。


In a traditional manner, the victims and abusers of the domestic violence are treated separately. However, complex emotions are often involved in the intimate violence so that it is difficult to detach victims and abusers' relationships. Even the legal actions had been taken; it still cannot provide fully protection for the victims of domestic violence. According to Bowker(1983), he verified that the violence could be terminated successfully while the battered women and abusers keep maintaining their relations. Therefore, how to help victims and abusers to create a non-violence interactive relationship instead of isolation is the key to terminate the occurrence of the domestic violence. In view of this, applying the restorative justice could be an alternative solution which has been brought up to attention recently. During the process of providing protective services, the Tainan Women's Right Association found out that a certain percentage of victims of domestic violence are willing to restore relationship or keep their interactions with the abusers. Therefore, an integrated social work and restorative justice treatment were implemented to help those adult victims between the year of 2011 and 2012. However, there are some arguments while applying restorative justice on the cases of the domestic violence. For example, during the process of this service, some conflicts among professions are the challenges that to be deal with. Also, whether the project could help those victims relief from their difficulties or not is still an issue to be concern. The researcher has been worked for abused women with practical experience many years and also acted as a supervisor of this project. By reviewing and discussing the implications and limitations of this project, the suggestions are provided for the future practices and also could inspire more people reflect on feasibilities for integrating social work and restorative justice treatment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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