


Intimate Partner Violence: Taiwanese Women's Experience of Abuse and Help-Seeking


林雅容(Ya-Jung Lin);林東龍(Dong-Long Lin);陳杏容(Hsing-Jung Chen);歐紫彤(Tzu-tung Ou);潘淑滿(Shu-Man Pan)


親密關係暴力 ; 社會文化 ; 權力控制 ; 求助行為 ; Intimate partner violence ; Social culture ; Power control ; Help-seeking behavior




17期(2016 / 12 / 01)


1+3 - 41






This paper aims at exploring how Taiwanese women are affected by intimate partner violence and how they seek help, which will prove useful in proposing recommendations for the prevention of violence. Two focus group interviews were conducted respectively in the northern and central regions of Taiwan with a total of eight women as participants of this study, out of which three main findings were identified. Firstly, it was found that women are not always aware of psychological (or verbal) abuse and typically interpret issues of abuse in terms of loss of personal face or by resorting to religious theories of karma. Even in circumstances where women's personal assets are of higher value than that of their male counterparts, they do not utilize this advantage to resist the maltreatment perpetrated by men; at times women even perceive themselves as the property of their husbands or their families and thus rationalize domestic violence and abuse. Secondly, the study probed into women's help-seeking experiences; some approached law enforcement personnel whilst others turned to social workers for assistance. Whether or not these professionals were able to exercise effective intervention depended on their stance and attitude regarding the issue of abuse, two aspects greatly influenced by relevant laws and regulations on domestic violence prevention. Some of the subjects interviewed in this study turned to their families of origin for assistance, hence highlighting the generation gap in attitudes towards intervention on abuse-related issues. Indeed, few women obtained the positive support of their parents; some were even requested to endure in silence. Siblings, however, were better able to provide financial and even emotional support. Lastly, a portion of women believe personal will and determination to be of fundamental importance in liberating oneself from violence and abuse, but that government administrations also play crucial roles in the provision of financial security and emotional support, thus ensuring a stable life for women freed from the chains of domestic violence. This paper concludes by proposing suggestions in three major dimensions: increasing public awareness and improving education on violence prevention, ensuring that professionals are equipped with expert knowledge and able to provide necessary services, and providing women with access to lifestyle counseling following their escape from abuse and domestic violence.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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