


Participation Experience and Barriers to Participation Among Children and Young People




社會參與 ; 兒童權利公約 ; 自主權 ; 表意自由 ; 充權 ; Social Participation ; United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ; Autonomy ; Freedom of opinion ; Empowerment




18期(2017 / 06 / 01)


63+65 - 112






To explore child and youth participation, qualitative research methods were used to analyze their experience of participation, aims of participation, barriers to participation, and factors facilitating participation. Three focus groups were organized, which comprised 24 children and youth (2 focus groups) and 9 workers from 8 nonprofit organizations (1 focus group). Thus, in addition to obtaining the opinions of adults, those of children and youths were considered. The results suggest that children and youth still experience some barriers to participation despite exhibiting broad and great participation. They have few opportunities to fully express their opinions, low autonomy, and inequality in participation. The participant opinions revealed that three critical approaches-empowerment, dialogue, and social inclusion strategies-are useful for promoting participation. Finally, the following may serve as policy recommendations related to promoting participation: (a) progressive participation is required, (b) the development of civic literacy among children should begin early, (c) government and social welfare agencies should facilitate the participation of children and youth with disabilities and those from low-income families, and (d) the development and assessment of participation indicators are required.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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