


The Impacts from New Managerialism on Hospitals' Medical Services - Implication for Medical Social Work


侯建州(Chien-Chou Hou)


醫務社會工作 ; 新管理主義 ; 醫療服務 ; 醫院管理 ; 專業發展 ; Medical social work ; New managerialism ; Medical service ; Hospital management ; Professional development




21期(2018 / 12 / 01)


37+39 - 78






The trend and effect of new managerialism have been spread in all fields, and the impact has also changed hospitals' medical services in healthcare, which has even indirectly affected medical social work. This study intends to investigate the effect of new managerialism on hospitals' medical services. This qualitative study adopted stratified purposive sampling. The interviewees were interviewed with individual in-depth interview. This study also intends to concurrently analyze the implication for medical social work. Therefore, 3 types of subjects received the interviews, including directors in hospitals, supervisors of department of social work, and social workers. This study analyzed the data of a total of 16 subjects. This study found that the effect of new managerialism on hospitals' medical services could be divided into 2 aspects. Aspect 1 was hospital management, including (1) the establishment of hospital financial disciplines; (2) the implementation of patients' customer-oriented measures; (3) the application of performance management in hospitals. Aspect 2 was hospital clinical practices, including (1) the interpretation of medical service outcomes using income; (2) the implementation of monitoring and reward and punishment system for professional medical performance; (3) the reduction of professional discretion. Based on the above, this study proposed suggestions for medical seeking of vulnerable patients, health insurance system, and hospital clinical services, as well as proposed the implication for medical social work.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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