


A Primary Study on the Experiences of using Long-term Care Services with Young-Onset Dementia: from their families and carers


王潔媛(Chieh-Yuan Wang);楊秀珍(Shiou-Jen Yang)


年輕型失智症 ; 長照服務使用 ; 失智照顧 ; Young-onset dementia (YOD) ; Long term care utilization ; Dementia care




24期(2021 / 08 / 01)


1+3 - 45






Dementia is a lifelong disability and requires multiple care and support services. The number of Young Onset Dementia (YOD) are a minority groups and often ignored by society. Regardless of the general and specific care resources there was insufficient, has not been explored yet. The aim of this study was to explore the long-term care services utilization with family caregivers and carers of people with YOD . This article presents the YOD situations, difficulties and prospects, recognition of the differences between YOD and senile dementia. This study applied qualitative research method with purposeful sampling. The semi-structured and in-depth interview was adopted. The data was collected from 2 family caregivers and 6 professional carers. The results revealed the issue of delays in the diagnosis of dementia is of vital importance for YOD. It is difficult to find anything appropriate to meet YOD needs, it is a lengthy and frustrating process, and it often means that recognition of the specific difficulties faced by family caregivers. The decision-making process of long-term care services utilization by family caregivers rather than YOD. As the disease progresses, after using community-based services in a short period of time, move into the residential care facilities. The study recommended that increasing efforts are being devoted to studying that to enhance a better consensus on the meaning and application of YOD specific and generic care practices. Integrating the health care and welfare services model, to improve the quality of care and quality of life with YOD patients and family members. To establish a sufficient information and delivered sensitively model is an indispensable part from homecare to long-term care facilities in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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