


A study of Badminton Participants' Motivation and Participant's Behavior of Badminton Court




李政道(Cheng-Tao Lee)


羽球館 ; 參與動機 ; 參與行為 ; badminton court ; participant motivation ; participant behavior




39卷1期(2006 / 01 / 01)


28 - 43






The purpose of this study was to examine of badminton participant's motivation and participant's behavior of badminton court. The subjects of the study were from Nantou and Chiayi regions. After data collection, descriptive, factor analysis and chi-square test were utilized to analyze the data. The results were as follows: 1.The top five consumers's satisfied factors: (a) get others to respect; (b) enable me to relax mood; (c) expand one's own interest; (d) show one's own idea, the emotion and technical ability to others; (e) keep the callisthenic body. The top five consumers' participating behavior factors: (a) the highest with 2-3 times person's proportion to play the number of times of every week; (b) stable at the same court; (c) period of 21:00 with 17:01p.m; (d) the lowest of proportion of own membership card; (e) the highest of proportion of sport-mate as friend. 3. Different ethnic group of consumer and participation behavior part: 24.758% light users; 43.133% middle users; 32.108% heavy users. 4. Participant behavior and ethnic group of consumer has no significant different in stable on the same badminton court, the other different ethnic group consumer and participant behavior were significant. The recommend badminton courts operate regards this result of study to refer in planning or marketing tactics. Utilize the way to recruit members or reducing the price, to attract more consumers. Expect that the marketing tactics can reach consumers satisfied in order to accord with consumer's demand most; the manager creates the win-win result of the largest profit.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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