


The Status of Motivation and Athletic Attitude/Cognition/Self-Efficacy of 2-Year College Night School Students in the Distance Learning of an Elective PE Course




顏智淵(Chih-Yuan Yen);黃崑明(Kun-Ming Huang)


運動態度 ; 運動認知 ; 運動自我效能 ; Motivation ; Athletic ; Attitude ; Self-Efficacy




41卷1期(2009 / 04 / 01)


39 - 54




研究之目的在探討東方技術學院夜間部二專學生,選修體育課遠距教學之動機及運動態度、認知及自我效能為何?以男生111名女生154名為對象,所得問卷資料以χ^2適合度、χ^2百分比同質性、t考驗及二因子變異數分析進行考驗。結果如下: 一、在選修動機中女生以「課程吸引我」,男生則以「為外觀體態」為主要考量。 二、男生於運動態度,以「人際關係」、「為了健康」、「很有趣」、「用課餘時間從事運動」及「紓解壓力」上高於女生,差異達顯著。 三、男生於運動認知之正確答題,在「哪一項運動,對改善人體呼吸、心跳、血壓等心肺功能與身體脂肪含量(肥胖)的效果最明顯?」及「阻力訓練運動,主要在鍛鍊身體的哪方面能力?」等題目高於女生,差異達顯著。女生在「哪一種運動是有氧運動?」的正確答題高於男生,差異達顯著。 四、不同性別和有無規律運動在運動自我效能之交互作用,差異達顯著。男生運動自我效能顯著高於女生;而有規律運動者亦顯著高於無規律運動者。


This study aims to understand the motivation and athletic attitude/cognition/self-efficacy of 265 night school students (111 males and 154 females) of the Tung Fang Institute of Technology's two year degree program who are enrolled in an elective distance learning PE course. The interviews were analyzed with X^2 goodness of fit test, X^2 test of homogeneity of proportions, t test and two-way analysis of variance. The results are as follows: 1. The main consideration of female students was course content while the male students were more concerned with body shape; 2. There's significant variance of male students in questions on athletic attitude. For instance, they exercise to improve their interpersonal relationships, health, and to release tension. Some even said that they exercise when they are free after school. 3. There is a significant variance of male students in questions of athletic cognition. For example, they know which sport can improve cardiopulmonary functions (improve breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure), which sport can reduce body fat and which kind of resistance training is good for which part of the body. Female students are more knowledgeable on sports that focus on aerobic benefits. 4. There is a significant variance in athletic self-efficacy between the interaction of gender and regular/irregular exercise. For instance, the athletic self-efficacy of male students is higher than females and students who exercise regularly have a higher self-efficacy than students who exercise irregularly.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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