The purposes of this study were to understand the relationship between social supports and participation motivations of the hearing impaired athletes. Total 381copies of questionnair for suvey were issued to each athlete in the 2008 National Disabled Games and 271 of valid samples were collected. All data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample one-way MANOVA, stepwise multiple regression. The results were as follows: First, the order of social supports from high to low in sequence for the hearing impaired athletes was the coach, peer, information, family, and instrument supports. And the athletes who have higher education level and more experience of game got better social supports. Second, the order of participation motivation from high to low for the hearing impaired athletes was health and fitness, interest and performance, psychological benefit, and social needs. And more experience the athletes had could also had stronger participation motivation. Third, the athletes who got better support from peer, coach, instrument, and with more competition experience and higher educational level would promoted higher team participation motivations.
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