


Development of a Sport-Values Scale






運動價值觀 ; 複核效度 ; 題項合併 ; sport value ; cross validation ; item parceling




43卷1期(2011 / 04 / 01)


56 - 72






Sports values are the criteria when people look upon sports. Values not only dominate all aspects of life but also sports participation. However, the measurement invariance issue of sports values scale has received little attention. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to construct the measure scales of sports values through cross validation. Also, through two different demographic characteristics of study groups which are elementary school children and national sports teams, the measurement invariance issue of sports values scale will be tested in this study. The results supported the theoretical structure established, indicating that there are four latent factors in this scale, named as ”persona; sports value”, ”social sports value”, ”moral sports value” and ”capability sports value”. This factor structure fits well for the empirical data and is invariant across grade levels. Besides, this scale could be applied to variant study group with measurement effectiveness and invariance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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