Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between child athletes' fear of failure and their parenting style that include parents' expectation and family socialization process. Methods: The sample consisted of 320 elementary children athletes (200 male and 120 female). All the subjects were asked to complete a series of paper-and-pencil questionnaire measuring children athlete performance failure appraisal inventory, parenting style, children perceived parental expectations. Results: The Canonical Correlation Analysis there are three set of canonical correlations emerged, including; parents' strict authoritarian positive correlation between child-rearing methods and fear of discard, punishment, humiliation, parents' doting rearing pattern was positive correlation with the fear of punishment but was negative correlation with the fear of live up to expectations and fear of abandon, parents' neglect of discipline rearing was positive correlation with the fear of abandon. Conclusion: Obviously, there was correspond the result of this research assumption that parents' expectation and educating method had obviously effect to fear of failure, especially children athletes cognitive parents' breeding style were strict authoritarian and doting reaction more obvious psychological fear of failure.
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