


The Relationships between Body Image, Social Physique Anxiety, Physical Self-concept and Exercise Behavior on Collage Students




莊淑(王如)(Shu-Ru Chuang);鄭豐譯(Fang-Yi Cheng);聶喬齡(Chiao-Lin Nien)


性別 ; 外觀 ; 差異性 ; 身體滿意度 ; gender ; appearance ; variability ; body satisfaction




44卷1期(2012 / 04 / 01)


1 - 16




本研究旨在探討大學生身體意象、社會體型焦慮、身體自我概念與運動行為的關係。200位修習大學體育課的學生參與研究的問卷調查,男性50位平均年齡為 20.14 ± 1.33歲與女性150位平均年齡為19.78 ± 1.18歲。研究工具包括多向度自我身體關係、社會體型焦慮、身體自我描述與運動行為等量表。資料分析以描述性統計、積差相關、獨立樣本 t 考驗和多元迴歸分析進行。結果發現性別在外表評估、外表取向、社會體型焦慮、身體滿意度和身體自我概念並無差異存在;但在身體肥胖構面,女性則高於男性。在預測變項中性別和外表評估對運動行為的影響僅有8.60%的解釋力。而外表評估、身體肥胖與社會體型焦慮,對身體滿意度有53.80%與身體自我概念有45.40%的解釋力。結論則針對女性大學生在過度關注身體肥胖所產生的負面心理情緒,提出實務應用及後續研究之建議。


The aims of the present study were to explore the relationships among target factors such as body image, social physique anxiety, physical self-concept related to collage students' exercise behavior. A total of 200 collage students(50 male and 150 female) were recruited to conduct a battery of questionnaires to measure target variables which mentioned previously. Statistic analyses including descriptive statistics, Person correlation, independent-sample t-test and multiple regression were carried out in the present study. Results showed a gender difference on the perception of fatness, but not on other variables such as appearance judgement and orientation, social physique anxiety, body satisfaction and body self-concept. On the findings of regression, those factors related to body image and appearance can only contribute to exercise behavior for 8.60% of variance, but to body satisfaction for 53.80% and to body self-concept for 45.40% of variance. Discussion regarding negative affects on body-related factors were proposed and feature direction were suggested.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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