


The Research of Fin Swimming Participants Behavioral Tendency Model: The Verification of the Theory of Planned Behavior






蹼泳運動 ; 計畫行為理論 ; Fin Swimming ; theory of planned behavior




44卷2期(2012 / 10 / 01)


34 - 53




本研究旨在以計畫行為理論(theory of planned behavior; Ajzen, 1985)為基礎,探討蹼泳運動者的行為意圖模式。母群體為參加2011年全國蹼泳錦標賽選手,以立意取樣法選取304位有意願參與調查者為研究對象(年齡以41歲以上人數比例較高)。讓其填寫基本資料問卷及運動參與者行為傾向模式量表後,將所得資料以結構方程模式處理。獲得結論為:態度、主觀規範、行為控制知覺、行為傾向等四個潛在變項的具有收斂效度與區別效度,並具有可接受的適配度。態度顯著影響行為傾向、行為控制知覺顯著影響行為傾向、行為控制知覺顯著影響行為等假設成立。建議:政府與蹼泳相關單位能重視蹼泳運動,並改善其蹼泳運動環境以提升參與蹼泳運動之實際行為。


Based on the Ajzen (1985) theory of planned behavior (TPB) as the theory background, this research explored the behavioral tendency model specific for the fin swimming participants. The data was collected purposive sampling. The subject of this study was the participants of 2011 Taiwan Fin Swimming National Competition. From age over 41 were the main participants in all age. Using the survey, Fin Swimming Participants Behavioral Tendency survey, the data was been analyze again by SEM. This study found the composite reliability of four latent variables (attitude, subject norm, perceived behavioral control and behavioral tendency) the composite reliability, which indicated that the model fitted the observed data well and with convergent validity and discriminant validity, the goodness of fit of model which showed an acceptable value of model, the attitude and the perception behavioral control of the respondents positively affected their behavior intentions in fin swimming participants. The perception behavioral control of the respondents positively affected their behavior in fin swimming participants. Several suggestions based on research finding were then proposed to serve as a reference for related organizations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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