


The Effect of Resistance Training on Self-Confidence and Social Interaction in a Patient with Anorexia- A Case Report




黃鴻鈞(Huang Hung Chun)


厭食症 ; 適應體育課程 ; 肌力訓練 ; Anorexia ; Adaptive Exercise ; Exercise Prescription




48卷2期(2016 / 10 / 01)


1 - 17






Anorexia is rare in adapted physical education area. This study, employing a case report approach, explored the physical and mental benefits of resistance exercise on a patient with anorexia. One patient (aged 19 years) diagnosed with anorexia participated in this study. The patient reported being low-confident and having poor peer interaction. The cause of anorexia in this patient may be due to the unpleasant experience during junior high school, resulting in serious hunger striking. We adopted a group-exercise design with low-intensity resistant training in order to see whether such exercise intervention can improve her muscular fitness, social interaction with peers, and self-confidence. After the intervention, the patients reported that she learned correct conception regarding exercise and significantly enhanced her confidence. Specifically, the patient reported being less dressed by her appearance, suggesting a better body satisfaction. In sum, this study suggests that an appropriate resistance exercise intervention can benefit physical and mental health in a patient with anorexia. Future studies are warrant to further address this issue and to develop a better exercise program for patients with anorexia.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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