


Effects of Table Tennis training on Dimensions of Attention among Elementary School Children






認知 ; 學習 ; 身體活動 ; 運動 ; 學業成就 ; cognition ; learning ; physical activity ; exercise ; academic performance




48卷2期(2016 / 10 / 01)


33 - 53




現今探討桌球運動介入對學童多向度注意力影響的研究依然較少。本研究使用紙筆測驗與電腦化測量,探討12週桌球訓練對國小學生不同注意力向度之效果。本研究為準實驗研究設計,自彰化市某國小三年級隨機選取2班,分別作為實驗組與控制組,每組各20人。實驗組利用早自習時間,接受十二週桌球訓練課程,每週兩次,每次40分鐘;控制組則無其他介入課程。實驗介入前後兩組的注意力表現評估工具為維也納測驗系統(Vienna Test System, VTS)之選擇性注意力(Cognitrone, COG-S7)以及國小兒童注意力量表,其包含整體注意力與5個注意力向度(集中性注意力、持續性注意力、選擇性注意力、交替性注意力及分配性注意力)。以卡方檢定與t檢定比較兩組前測是否有顯著差異,再以混合設計二因子變異數分析探討桌球介入在不同向度注意力的影響。實驗結果顯示:在COG-S7及國小兒童注意力量表的整體注意力與4個注意力向度上,時間與組別具顯著的交互作用;國小兒童注意力量表除交替性注意力外,其它注意力表現均顯著地進步。控制組則未達顯著改變。本研究結論,12週桌球訓練能提升國小學童特定向度的注意力程度,這對於國小教師在體育教學與健康促進工作上具有啟示。


Few studies have been conducted to investigate the influences of table tennis interventions on multi-dimensional attention in children. Whether the effects of table tennis trainings on different dimensions of attention vary remain equivocal. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of 12-week table tennis training on dimensions of attention among elementary school students using paper-pencil and computer-based measures. This study was a pre-post quasi-experimental design with two parallel groups. Two third-grade classes were randomly selected as the experimental group and the control group from an elementary school in Changhua City. Students in the experimental group (n = 20, 8.40 ± 0.50 years old) completed a 12-week table tennis training program in the morning (7:50-8:30 a.m., 40 minutes per session, and twice a week). The students in the control group (n = 20, 8.30 ± 0.47 years old) did not engage in any training courses. Before and after the intervention, attention performance was assessed using the computer-based Vienna Test System (VTS) (Cognitrone, COG-S7 for assessing selective attention) and the paper-pencil measure- the Attention Test for Elementary School Children, which assessed the overall attention and five dimensions of attention (focused attention, sustained attention, selective attention, alternating attention, and divided attention). Chi-square testes and independent t-tests were used to compare whether the two groups were equivalent at pre-test. The two-way mixed design analysis of variance (the within factor: time (pre-test and post-test); the between factor: groups) was utilized to explore the effects of the 12-week table tennis program on school children's attention and whether the effects differ across the dimensions of attention. No significant differences were found in attention performance and other underlying variables at pre-test. The two-way mixed design analysis of variance indicated that time × group interactions were found in the COG-S7 test and the overall attention and the four dimensions of the Attention Test for Elementary School Children. Compared with the control group, with the exception of alternating attention, the table tennis training improved the performance of the overall attention and its four dimensions, including focused attention, sustained attention, selective attention, and divided attention. In contrast, there was no significant change in the control group. The 12-week table tennis intervention could improve the elementary school children's attention but the effects of table tennis training on the dimensions of attention may be differential. These findings could provide implications for physical education and health promotion for elementary school teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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