


The study of participation motivation, environment attributes, benefits of leisure, and behavioral intentions in walking activity - A case study of i Taiwan walking activity in Chiayi




薛堯舜(Yao-Shun Hsueh)


參與動機 ; 環境屬性 ; 休閒效益 ; 行為意圖 ; participation motivation ; environment attributes ; benefits of leisure ; behavioral intentions




51卷1期(2019 / 04 / 01)


39 - 53




本研究目的在驗證健走活動參與者之參與動機、環境屬性、休閒效益與行為意圖間的影響關係。以便利取樣方式進行問卷施測,發出200份問卷,有效回收181份問卷,資料採Warp PLS 5.0進行結構方程模式統計分析。研究結果顯示:健走活動之參與動機會正向影響環境屬性、休閒效益與行為意圖,環境屬性會正向影響休閒效益與行為意圖,休閒效益會正向影響行為意圖,且參與動機能透過環境屬性、休閒效益對行為意圖有間接影響。結論為健走活動參與者之行為意圖受參與動機、環境屬性與休閒效益所影響,因此,欲推展相關健走活動,需提高民眾的參與意願,並妥善規劃及管理環境屬性,以增進休閒效益,提升參與者願意再度參與相關活動之意願。


This study aimed to verify the influence among participation motivations, environment attributes, benefits of leisure, and behavioral intentions. Questionnaire survey was sent by convenient sampling. There were 200 questionnaires sent, with 181 valid replied returned. And used Warp PLS 5.0 structural equation modeling statistical analysis. The results indicated that participation motivations positively influence environment attributes, benefits of leisure, and behavioral intentions. Environment attributes has positive effect on benefits of leisure, and behavioral intentions. Benefits of leisure positively influence behavioral intentions. And participation motivation can affect indirectly environment attributes, benefits of leisure, and behavioral intentions by environment attributes. In conclusion, the behavioral intentions of walking participant was affected by participation motivations, environment attributes, and benefits of leisure. Therefore, to promote walking activities, it needs to improve the participation motivation of public, a good plan and environment attributes, improving the benefits of leisure. Reaching the intention of walking event, sport for all.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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