


Young Children's Conception of Geometry




李文貞(Wen-Jan Lee);鍾志從(Jyh-Tsorng Jong)


幼兒 ; 幾何形體概念 ; young children ; conception of geometry




8期(2006 / 05 / 01)


1 - 29






This study was to establish the framework of young children's conception of geometry, to develop an evaluation tool for young children's conception of geometry, and to understand the development of young children's conception of geometry. The subjects of this research included 217 preschool children from three classes in three different public preschools in Taipei. By using one-to-one interviews conducted through the evaluation tool for young children’s conception of geometry developed by the author, the results of this study were as follows: A. The first part of the framework of young children's conception of geometry was established firstly from Piaget's Topological primacy studies and secondly from Euclidean Geometry, Projective Geometry studies, the Cognitive Theory of Gestalt Psychology, and the instructional philosophies of Froebel and Montessori. This framework then assumes that the conception of 3-dimensional shapes is developed prior to the conception of 2-dimensional shapes. B. The evaluation for young children's conception of geometry in this study was to collect the vocabulary and classification of 3-dimensional shapes used in young children's descriptions, the vocabulary and classification of 2-dimensional shapes used in young children's descriptions, the recognition of 3-dimensional shapes through their touching the objects, and the projected images of 3-dimensional shapes perceived by young children. C. Young children can describe 3-dimensional shapes by referring to daily-life objects. However, it is rather difficult for them to name the shapes. For 2-dimensional shapes, what they can name correctly is circles. Young children also possess relevant reasons for their appropriate classifications, where they exhibit focus of thought. Their recognition of 3-dimensional shapes through touching and their visual projections of 2-dimensional shapes have already well developed. This indicated that young children was already well-equipped with good judgment and perception of geometrical shapes in their early years.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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