


The Relations among the Back Ground Factors and Marital Adjustments of Couples Who Belong to the First Stage of Family Life




陳靜宜(Ching-Yi Chen)


家庭建立期 ; 個人背景特性 ; 婚姻調適 ; 婚前關係發展類型 ; 婚前教育 ; back ground factor ; marital adjustment ; premarital education




8期(2006 / 05 / 01)


45 - 68




家庭建立期是經營健康家庭的起跑點,此一階段的的婚姻調適需求、困難點以及調適策略的運用,究竟受到哪些個人背景特性影響?婚前交往類型和婚後調適是否有關係?研究者希望藉此深入瞭解能有助於婚姻教育方案的設計與推動。本研究以多變項變異數分析考驗及典型相關考驗進行分析,資料來源採用行政院國家科學委員會補助研究計畫「婚前關係與婚後適應:一個長期性的研究」(NSC91-2413-H-128-001-SSS)針對分布在台灣北、中、南及東部的四十九對夫妻所蒐集到的有關雙方婚前關係發展及婚後適應歷程的資料。 研究結果發現:1.夫妻之結婚年齡大小與否對於婚姻調適困難沒有顯著差異。2.夫妻是否有宗教信仰對於婚姻調適策略沒有顯著差異。妻子比丈夫更傾向採用個人外消極的婚姻調適策略。3.有子女的夫妻比沒有子女的夫妻更傾向採用個人內消極的婚姻調適策略。4.訂婚達13-18個月的夫妻,各項婚姻調適需要皆最高;婚前發展呈「細水長流型」的夫妻「與原生家庭適應需要」最高,尤以男性為甚。5.婚姻交往關係呈「有驚無險型」的夫妻最常採取個人內、外消極的調適策略,其中妻子傾向採取個人內消極的策略,而丈夫多採取個人外消極的調適策略。6.夫妻間調適困難越高者,越傾向使用個人外消極的婚姻調適策略。研究者並根據研究結果提供四點建議,以協助婚前教育方案與婚姻教育工作之參考。


The purpose of this study focuses on the relations among the back ground factors and marital adjustments of couples who belong to the 1st stage of family life. The study sample adopted from NSC91 -2413-H-128-001-SSS and consisted of 49 couples, who have married for three years. A questionnaire was adopted and administered for this study in order to gather the study data. The tools are ”Marital Adjustment Scale”. This study uses statistical methods of Descriptive statistics, MANOVA, Canonical Correlation. The major findings are presented as follows: 1. The sex and marital adjustment strategies of newlywed couples has obvious relationship. Wives prefer to use ”extra-personal passive” strategies. 2. Those newlywed couples who have kids prefer to use ”intra-personal passive” strategies. 3. Those newlywed couples who had engaged for 13-18 months have more needs of marital adjustment. 4. Those newlywed couples who had dated for a long time before they got married need more adjustments of their original family. 5. Those newlywed couples who had troublesome relationship before they got married prefer to use negative marital adjustment strategies. The husbands tend to use ”intra-personal passive” strategies. And the wives tend to use ”extra-personal passive” strategies. This study also provides several recommendations for the premarital education programs, marital education programs of couples who belong to the 1st stage of family life and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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