


The Relationship between Children's Care Experience, Temperament and the Parent-Child Attachment




涂妙如(Miao-Ju Tu);黃迺毓(Nei-Yuh Huang)


母子依戀 ; 幼兒氣質 ; 幼兒托育經驗 ; children's care experience ; parent-child attachment ; temperament




11期(2009 / 07 / 01)


49 - 74






This study based on a sample of 61 children (age range 2-4.5 years), examined (1) the relationship between parent-child attachment quality (Q-set scores) and the children's care type at infant and toddler years and (2) the association between quality of parent-child attachment and parent's report of the children's current temperament. Regarding the relationship between parent-child attachment quality and children's care experience, the results show no significant association between attachment scores and the starting point and the quantity of infant-toddler care. However, there is a statistically significant association between attachment and care type, even control for the influence of children's temperament. Children with 24-hour care show lower attachment scores, especially when the full-time care was used under age one. Certain temperament characteristic is significant factor in predicting parent-child attachment. Activity level is negatively related to mother-child attachment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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