


Social Competence of the Neglected Children and the Controversial Children in Kindergarten




陳怡君(Yi-Chun Chen);鍾志從(Jyh-Tsorng Jong)


受忽視幼兒 ; 受爭議幼兒 ; 社會能力 ; controversial children ; neglected children ; social competence




14期(2012 / 12 / 01)


68 - 94






The purposes of this study were to discuss the current status of social competences of neglected children and controversial children in kindergarten, and to explore the differences in social competences of neglected children and controversial children among their gender, birth order, and family's social and economic status. Results were listed as follows:1. Neglected children scored highest in ”gregariousness and cooperation” competences but lowest in ”interactive behavior” competence.2. Controversial children scored highest in ”gregariousness and cooperation” competences but lowest in ”altruist behavior” competence.3. Neglected children were higher than controversial children in ”gregariousness and cooperation” competences, but lower in ”interactive behavior” competence.4. Differences in social competences of neglected children among gender, birth order, family's social and economic status: (1) Neglected girls were higher in ”altruist behavior” competence than neglected boys. (2) For neglected children, girls were better in ”gregariousness and cooperation” competences than boys. (3) For neglected children in low social and economic status, girls were higher in ”manners” than boys. (4) For neglected children, boys from high social and economic status were higher in ”manners” than those from low social and economic status.5. Differences in social competences of controversial children among gender, birth order, family's social and economic status: (1) In general, controversial girls' social competences of ”altruist behavior”, ”gregariousness and cooperation”, ”interactive behavior”, ”manners”, and ”independence and autonomy” higher than boys. (2) Birth order and social and economic status had the interactive effects only in the social competence of ”manners”. Second-born controversial children from families with high social and economic status were higher than those from families with low social and economic status.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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