


The Inquiry of Space Planning in Preschools' Outdoor Playground




吳中勤(Chung-Chin Wu)


幼兒園 ; 遊戲場 ; 空間規劃 ; preschool ; playground ; space planning




15期(2013 / 12 / 01)


63 - 82






The main purpose of present study was to investigate the status quo of the uses and planning of public preschool playground space, to realize the originality, interaction, safety, sensitivity, completeness, convenience, variety, and creativity of playground planning. 68 subjects was selected by using stratified random sampling method, which was deponded upon the percentage of divisions in Taipei. The check list was used to check the information about geography, type, amount, and safe range of equipment. Furthermore, the division and the area of space were also recorded. Data were analyzed by employing chi-squre, interval estimation, one way ANOVA, and regression analysis. The results were as following: (1) there are a few preschools could use the originalities of space well (originality). (2) Most playing space for children was crowded after the amount and security region of equipment were taken into account (interaction, safety, and sensitivity). (3) there were seven different patterns of playground space in preschool, and the pattern of divisions was generally detrimental for supervising, and a few playgrounds were insufficient in their integrity (completeness and safety). (4) the divisions were insufficient in approachability, creativity, and diversity in most playgrounds. Finally, suggestions was submitted for practices and educational administrations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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