


Experiencing Public Participation as part of Children's Spatial Education: A Case Study of an experimental course carried out by a year four class


余崇齡(Tsung-Ling Yu)


空間 ; 兒童空間教育 ; 公共參與 ; 兒童參與 ; space ; spatial education for children ; public participation ; participation of children




14卷1期(2019 / 04 / 01)


33 - 44






Space is where human being exists, no matter to an individual or group beings, the status of space existing is the reflection of its status and relationships. The public characteristic of a space reflects on the living choices of the group. Hence spatial education is necessary from an early age i.e. primary school education. This research attempts to investigate public engagements and children's involvements relating to living spaces as part of a series of research carried out. Three major themes "Classroom and I (Us)", "Design Our Classroom", "Group Decision of A Class Fun Classroom", are used for designing experimental courses on spatial education; aiming to make children aware of existing space as well as public engagements in a group life. The course was carried out in the first semester of 2015 of a year four class at a primary school located in Taipei City. Based on the analysis and review of after class records, classroom photos, classroom videos, children's response in class, learning sheets, interviews with teachers involved, and etc., the conclusions reached are as following: (1) Children are capable and necessary to build basic spatial awareness; (2) Spatial education shall be integrated as part of civic education; (3) Public engagements need to be learnt by accumulating experiences; (4) Taking part in group decision is a step towards public engagements. Suggestion on approaching methods for future study can be (1) Carry out in the format of a game is necessity; (2) Longer class time is required for review; (3) Elementary spatial education requires involvements of spacing professional.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學綜合
工程學 > 工程學總論
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 機械工程
工程學 > 化學工業
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