


A Study of Sense of Local Place, Kinmen


蔡國華(Kuo-Hua Tsai);陳其澎(Chie-Peng Chen)


金門 ; 地方感 ; 聲音 ; Kinmen ; Sense of place ; Voice




16卷1期(2021 / 01 / 01)


25 - 34




地方感(sense of place)指的是一種人與地方之間的情感關係,其間包括了認知與感受,偏好或判斷,與人的五感有很直接的關係,當然也包括聲音對其中的影響,這會是一種情緒或是一種依戀,勾出人們對於地方的畫面建立在場所之間。有許多相關研究產出的文獻,卻鮮少提及聲音(voice)對地方感的影響。但聲音的感受在這其間佔有一定的影響力,在相同的地方裡增加了聲音的變因,可能影響人們對此地方的主觀印象,轉化成對此地方的感知,影響著人們對其地方感受上的不同。世界各國也曾組織了相關同好共同研究著音景環境,其中富含了聲音的地方性議題,以各種方式進行著。金門(Kinmen)地方的開墾距今約莫8000年之始,自晉朝時代少數幾個姓氏的遷徙開始至近代的南洋落番、國共戰爭事件及觀光條件、等,無論是民間的庶民生活間的祭祀、農耕或是政治背景下的事件,金門一直以來都肩負著多重的歷史意義。金門的東、南方鄰接臺灣海峽,除此則面對著中國大陸地區,隔海對望,在這個不同時期下的背景,有著不同的聲音環境充斥每個場域,呈現著時空下的情感表現,像是當地閩南口音的市場叫賣,或是戰爭時期軍隊傳來的呼口號聲、等,這些聲音都建立著每個場域的記憶,成為人們對金門地方情感建立的因子,透過這些聲音激起人們腦中對此的畫面及其獨有的地方感。本研究將以金門地方做為研究標的,透過中外相關文獻回顧,並以現場實測及地方人士的訪談紀錄,找尋聲音與地方的關聯,作為後續研究發展及各類設計事件的決策參考用途。


The sense of place means an emotional relationship between a person and a place, which includes cognition, feelings, and preferences or judgments. It has a direct relationship with people's five senses, including the influence of sound on it. This is an emotion or an attachment, created an impression of the place for people. There are many works of literature related to the research, but few mention the influence of voice on the sense of place. However, the feeling of sound has a certain influence between this, added the variables of sound in the same place, which may affect people's subjective impression of the place, translates into the perception of the place and affects people's feelings about the difference. Countries around the world had organized related fellows to jointly study the soundscape environment, which is rich in local subjects rich in sound, carried out in various ways. The reclamation of Kinmen County is around 8000 years ago. Since the migration of a few surnames from the Jin Dynasty to the of the Nanyang of near-modern times, the Kuomintang and Communist war, and sightseeing conditions etc., whether it is a sacrificial offering in the lives of folk people, farming or events in the political background, Kinmen County has been carrying multiple historical significance. The east and the south of Kinmen County are adjacent to the Taiwan Strait. In addition, it also faces the mainland of China, they face each other across the strait. Under this background of different periods, different sound environments fill all fields and present emotional expressions in space and time, such as the local barking of marketing in Minnan accent, or the slogan from the army during the war, etc. These sounds have established memories in all fields and become the building factor of people's local emotions in Kinmen. It reminds people of this picture and its unique sense of place. This research will take Kinmen place as the research target, review the relevant literature at home and abroad, and find the correlation between the sound and the place through on-site measurement and interview records of local people, as a reference for the follow-up research development and various design events.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學綜合
工程學 > 工程學總論
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
工程學 > 機械工程
工程學 > 化學工業
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