This research focused on the chi-square random test for the award numbers of Taiwan 3-Star Lottery. Data collected from December 19, 2005 to December 31, 2018. Total including 3795 times award numbers. We aimed on the chi-square random test for singles, tens, hundreds of ball numbers, totals ball numbers, even ball numbers, big ball numbers, same ball numbers appear continuously, award numbers of three sets betting, award numbers of six sets betting, award numbers of pair set betting. All of the test results satisfied randomness. We further searched the least happen award numbers of three sets betting, six sets betting, pair set betting to conduct three years betting simulation. Betting simulation from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021. Since the randomness of 3-Star Lottery and the simulation was not long enough, all of three kind simulation results showed that have no positive rewards. For the three sets betting and six sets betting, we searched the least happen award numbers. Therefore, the simulation results were a little bit better than exception. For pair set betting, we used the combination with the least happen award numbers of front and rear. The pair set betting simulation was much better than exception. The reward for pair set betting simulation also much better than three sets betting and six sets betting. This research is the first academic random analysis for Taiwan 3-Star Lottery and can provide a good reference for the research of Taiwan Lottery.
台灣彩劵三星彩投注方式與獎金分配 https://www.taiwanlottery.c om.tw/3D/index.asp
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台灣彩劵三星彩各期開獎結果 https://www.taiwanlottery.co m.tw/lotto/3D/history.aspx
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