


A Study of DuJun's Functional Viewpoints about Fiction




徐志平(Chih-Ping Hsu)


遺民 ; 杜濬 ; 李漁 ; 通俗小說 ; 小說評點 ; 功能論 ; 小說觀 ; 小說理論 ; Citizen loyal to a past dynasty ; Dn Jun ; Li Yu ; Colloquial fiction ; Fiction annotation ; Functional viewpoint ; Fiction viewpoint ; Fiction theory




1期(2006 / 07 / 01)


121 - 150




遺民詩人杜濬(字于皇1611-1687)的詩歌成就甚受當時文壇的肯定,而杜濬又是李漁小說的評點者,他是如何看待小說的?何以如此看待?其小說觀有何參考價值?皆為值得探討之課題。本文以杜濬生平及時代環境為背景,梳理其小說觀,以提供考察清初小說觀點的幾個參考角度。 前言先考察杜濬評點小說的時間,將他寫作小說評論那幾年的行止用簡譜加以說明,並略論其性格特質,以作為探究其小說觀的背景資料。 接著討論杜濬對「小說」文體的認識,發覺他雖然能接受「通俗小說」,並且肯定其教化作用,但對於「小說」概念的認識尚模糊不清,在其心目中,「小說」具教化功能方有存在意義,對於小說文體本身的獨立價值尚不能充分肯定。 繼而就作者創作觀、作品價值觀及讀者審美觀三方面,論述杜濬的功能論小說觀。杜濬的小說觀以教化作用為主,但對於教化的範圍,已不局限於道德勸戒,而增加了亂世求生存哲學,以及各種生活智慧的借鏡作用,這可能是受到鼎革時局以及杜濬個人性格的影響。就創作者而言,杜濬除了指出先天才氣的重要,更特別強調辯才,此亦與教化勸懲作用有關。杜濬並提出通俗幽默的語言,以及奇巧又合於人情的情節設計之重要性,自己亦常運用幽默詼諧的語言進行評點,頗具特色。杜濬亦注意到閱讀角度的問題,提醒讀者宜對小說人物「設身處地」,並在小說評點中展示自己與文本之間的對話互動。 總之,遺民詩人杜濬功能論的小說觀,雖有傳統的局限,但亦有所創新及突破,在明末清初小說理論發展中,做出了一定的貢獻,宜受到適當對待,不應在中國小說理論史上缺席。


Du Jun (1611-1687), as a poet loyal to past-Ming dynasty, his poetic achievements are highly admired by Ming and Qing's scholars, however he is the annotator of Li Yu's fiction. Therefore, what's his viewpoint about fiction and why? What's the value of his viewpoint? These questions are worthy of studying. This study arranges his fiction viewpoints based on Du Jun's life and living surroundings to provide some referring angles for studying early-Qing's fiction viewpoints. In the prologue, we inspect the period of his fiction annotation to explain his living and character by simple chronicles, these materials will be the basic resources in studying his fiction viewpoints. Next paragraph, the study discuss Dujun's viewpoints about fiction (as a literary form), even though he could accept the colloquial fiction, and approve its edifying effect, his viewpoint about fiction (as a literary form) is still obscure. He thought only the Edifyingfiction exist fairly, he couldn't agree the independent value of fiction (as a literary form). Through three aspects of authors' creation viewpoints, works values and readers' aesthetic feeling, this study disserts Du Jun's functional fiction viewpoints. Du Jun's fiction viewpoints are based on edifying influences, however the definition of his edifying is not only moral discipline but the survive philosophy and living wisdom including. Thsi could be affected by the period of exchanged-dynasty and DuJun' personality in troubled times. As the author is concerned, Du pointed out the importance of gifted talent, and emphasize the eloquence. These viewpoints are also related to edifying effect. Du proposed the importance of colloquial humor language and resonable plots' design, he also used humor language to annotate fiction. Du mentioned the question of reading angles, reminded readers properly ”treated themselves as the actors in story”, and he expressed the interaction between his fiction annotation and the text. In a word, the poet Du's functional fiction viewpoint has the traditional limitation though. His viewpoint contributed an original innovation to the fiction theory development in Ming and Qing. We should treat him properly, couldn't make him absent in the history of Chinese fiction theory.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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