






光學立體法 ; 不變矩法 ; 主成份分析法 ; Delaunay三角網格法 ; 分水嶺轉換 ; 線性鑑別式分析 ; 最接近特徵線




14卷3期(2008 / 07 / 01)


45 - 70





主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
  1. 李建興,廖俊能(2008).印章辨識之評估與比較.資訊安全通訊,14(1),22-44.
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  14. G. C. Fleury Medeiros,M. Gustavo Lizarraqa,Luan Linq Lee(2004).Principal component analysis for symmetric key generation.IEEE Transactions on Latin America Transactions,2(1),1-6.
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  21. L. Ma, X.,Zhang, J. Si,G. P. Abousleman(2005).Bidirectional labeling and registration scheme for grayscale image segmentation.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,14(12),2073-2081.
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  25. M. A. Turk,A. P. Pentland(1991).Face recognition using eigenfaces.IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,Maui, HI, U.S.A.:
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  27. M. Susanta,B. Chanda(2003).Multiscale mophological segmentation of gray-scale image.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,12(5),533-549.
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  29. P. N. Belhumeur,J. P. Hespanha,D. J. Kriegman(1997).Eigenfaces vs. Fisherfaces: recognition using class specific linear projection.IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,19(7),711-720.
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  34. R. J. O`Callaghan,D. R. Bull(2005).Combined morphological-spectral unsupervised image segmentation.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,14(1),49-62.
  35. S. Z. Li,J. Lu(1999).Face recognition using the nearest feature line method.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,10(2),439-443.
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  37. X. Yang,H. Li,X. Zhou(2006).Nuclei segmentation using mark-controlled watershed, tracking using meansShift, and kalman filter in time-lapse microsopy.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-Irregular Papers,53(11),2405-2414.
  38. Y.-S. Tzeng(2003).I-SHOU University.