


Cloud Data Deduplication with Security and Privacy Preservation


謝谷松(Ku-Sung Hsieh);游家牧(Chia-Mu Yu)


雲端儲存 ; 安全 ; 隱私 ; Cloud storage ; security ; privacy




24卷1期(2018 / 01 / 01)


18 - 40




因為其易於實作的特性,雲端儲存(cloud storage) 大量使用資料去重複技術(data deduplication)來節省其營運成本,但是資料去重複技術本身帶來許多全新的安全與隱私威脅。本文將首先介紹伴隨資料去重複技術的諸多威脅,接著敘述具安全隱私的雲端資料去重複技術,希冀能喚起研究人員對此議題的注意。


Data deduplication has been widely adopted by cloud storage provides to reduce the operation cost, including the storage, bandwidth, and management. Unfortunately, data deduplication itself incurs new security and privacy threats. This article first describes the security and privacy threats, and then has an overview of the state-of-the-art cloud data deduplication techniques with security and privacy preservation.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
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