


Security Policy and Privacy Protection of Electronic Medical Information System


許寬宏(Kuan-Hung Hsu);黃耀民(Yao-Ming Huang);吳鎮宇(Zhen-Yu Wu);陳澤雄(Tzer-Shyong Chen)


電子醫療 ; 電子病歷 ; 電子處方箋 ; 醫療資訊系統 ; Electronic medical treatments ; Electronic patient records ; Electronic prescriptions ; Medical information system




26卷3期(2020 / 08 / 01)


20 - 50






With the development of the Internet, the application orientations have become complicated as well as the relevant technologies have become diverse. Contrary to the application of medical treatments, the significance of information technology is to expand the clinical supports in medical information. Digital medical treatments cover the areas of electronic patient records, electronic prescriptions, and medical information system. Furthermore, studies on the data processing structures and the formats in various relevant systems have become mature, but the integration is still insufficient. For this reason, this project proposes an integrative medical information system to securely exchange electronic patient records among medical organizations, to guarantee the privacies of patients and doctors with the design of passwords, and to provide authorities with verification and tracking mechanisms. By doing so, the medical information system can be developed with comprehensive functions to dispense the transfer of manual documents and maintain the security of medical information so that the possible human errors, such as the follow-up nursing, medical preparation, and technical staff, can be reduced or even avoided. Not only can it improve the medical quality, but it can also become one of the inevitable fundamental facilities in medical management. This project aims to strengthen the functions of National Health Insurance IC card and the compatibility with the integrative medical information system, to establish a full-functional electronic prescription system and the integration with medical information system, and to guarantee the privacies of patients and doctors. From the architectural design, it further aims to solve the problem of storing patients' treatment records, provide the design of helping draw medicine mechanisms, and protect the privacies of doctors and patients.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
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