


Reform on Quality Assurance Policy of Research in French Universities-An Approach toward Performance Management




許彩禪(Tsai-Chan Hsu)


法國高等教育 ; 大學研究 ; 品質保證 ; 績效管理 ; 評鑑 ; French Higher Education ; Research in Universities ; Quality Assurance ; Performance Management ; Evaluation


Evaluation in Higher Education


4卷1期(2010 / 06 / 01)


53 - 95






In view of the recent reforms on higher education and research studies from 2005 in France, a new trend of management toward the performance management reveals. This trend of reforms shows two significant facts. First, the current of New Public Management, which originated from the Neo-liberalism and prevailed in Anglo-Saxon countries, has invaded and influenced French HE and research domain. Second, the value of equality which is traditionally cherished by French HE has been shaken by the competitive culture. The article aims to explore the reform on quality assurance policy of research in French universities since 2005. Given the unsatisfied results in international comparisons related to scientific research, French government decided to engage in the reinforcement of its scientific research. Under this context, three laws reshaping the research domain in French universities were promulgated: ”Law of programme for the research” (2006), ”Law related to liberty and responsibility of universities” (2007) and ”Organic law related to laws of finances” (approved in 2001 and going into effect in 2006). The first law creates or integrates some research institutions, increases the budget in scientific research, provides supplementary budget to develope the priority areas in research, incorporates three seperate evaluative institutions into one and creates some mechanisms facilitating the cooperation among universities and/or research institutions. The second law gives the universities more freedom in exchange for more responsibility for performance. The third shifts the logic of budgeting from means or process-oriented to result-oriented through the governance mode of New Public Management. All these laws bring three visible changes in research domain in French universities. (1) Two new modes of cooperation among universities and/or research institutions have created. (2) The proportion of competitive resource in the research domain has increased while the recurring resource has reduced. (3) The relationship between universities and research institutions has transformed, in which cooperation is gradually replaced by competition. In this process of reforms, two mechanisms of assuring quality of research in universities become thus central: logic of financing and strength of evaluation. (1) The French government controls the accountability of research in universities through a performance-based budget system on the one hand, and a competitive supplementary budget on the other hand. The French government defines in advance the performance indicators of research and asks the Minitry of National Education to accomplish in return for more budget in the next fiscal year. Following the same logic, the Ministry of National Education contracts with universities to ensure their performance of research. Moreover, the French government draws up a supplementary budget for which the research teams in universities and/or in research institutions apply. The competitive culture is thus introduced into the research domain in universities. In consequence, the State has more powerful influence on the future development of university research. (2) The strengthened evaluative system is a powerful tool for French government to supervise the accountability of research in universities. An independent new agency of evaluation, merging existing three, has created in 2006. One of the missions of this agency is to evaluate the situation of fulfilling the contracts between the States and universities. With these reforms, the French governemnt constructs a cycle of accountability to ensure the quality of research in universities by the means of contracting and evaluating, with intention to strengthen the capacity of scientific research. However, at least three conflicts have been arisen from this process: maintaining academic culture or going toward marketization? based on equality or competition? more autonomy or more control? Finally, the article argues that the French government intervenes into the quality assurance of research in universities by two dispositions: finance and evaluation of research, and the role the Nation played has changed from a rower into a skipper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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