Along with the creativity life industry and experience time's oncoming, the consumer takes seriously from the expense activity to obtain the unforgettable happy experience, therefore experiences the marketing to attract the customer is the tidal current tendency. This research by Yilan County is famous, and coordinates experience marketing implementation again by the community agriculture special products Lin Mei and the Zhongshan community develops the association and entrepreneur of the agricultural special products experience marketing is an object, because of the literature review, the location interview and the provide questionnaire, take experiences the marketing strategy, the customer degree of satisfaction and the achievements appraisal as the construction surface, and uses the statistical analysis tool to include: Mean value, the standard deviation sorting and letter analysis method.
This article proposed that take the SWOT strategy and the experience marketing strategy, the customer degree of satisfaction and the achievements appraisal construction surface development questionnaire analysis knowing result as the basis suggestion, the time can supply the community Non-profit organization to develop the association or entrepreneur of its agricultural special products experience marketing to promote its customer to satisfy or the achievements and the following related research reference.
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