




吳青臺(Ching-Tai Wu)


TRIZ ; 創新 ; 演進趨勢 ; 矛盾矩陣 ; 質場分析 ; TRIZ ; innovation ; trend ; contradiction matrix ; su-field




12期(2013 / 06 / 01)


78 - 87




三星-一個在1997年亞洲金融危機瀕臨倒閉的韓國企業,但是到了2006年三星的市值卻超過一千億。三星的總裁李正龍,在2005年第一次向世界宣布:「是什麼救活了三星?用的就是TRIZ(創新問題解決方法之理論)」;在世界已經是平的(The world is flat)今天,企業所面臨的挑戰,更甚於以往,許多專家學者一致強調,唯有具備持續創新的能力,企業才能永續經營。但如何去創新?想創新,又有什麼工具或創新技術可使用呢?這些問題,一直讓人莫所適從;一般人大都在腦力激盪、水平思考或垂直思考法裡打轉,卻不知創新其實是有方法,有工具,並且是可以學習的;TRIZ正是這樣的一套方法與工具;本研究最主要的成果與目的,即是運用TRIZ這項創新工具去進行隨身碟的創新。本研究的成果,已獲中華民國新型專利,證書號為新型第M410326號。


Samsung - a Korean companies the verge of collapse in the 1997 Asian financial crisis, but in 2006, Samsung's market capitalization has more than one hundred billion. BEIJING POLYTECHNIC, president of Samsung's, In 2005 first announced to the world: ”what revive the Samsung? TRIZ (Theory of innovative problem-solving methods); Today the world is flat, challenges faced by enterprises, is more than ever, many experts and scholars unanimously stressed that only have the ability to continuous innovation, companies can be sustainable. But how to be innovative? Want to be innovative, what tools or innovative technology can use it? These problems, people have been no answer, General People's Congress in mental agitation, lateral thinking, vertical thinking move around, but they do not know innovation is actually there is a way, there are tools and learning; TRIZ is set methods and tools; the main results of the study with the purpose, that is, the use of TRIZ this innovative tool to flash drive innovation. The results of this study has been the Republic of China new patent, certificate number for the new No. M41032.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 醫藥衛生綜合
生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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