The hospitality industry is flourishing in recent years, resulting in huge demand of human resources. Which directly affect the labor's quality and organizational ability of hospitality industry. The priority is to improve employees' professional knowledge, skills and relationship. By increasing employees' self-confidence, satisfaction and reducing pressure, hence prevents talented people from leaving this industry. Our purpose is to discuss the apprenticeship and analyzing the relationship between masters and trainees. Also, study the affection of employee's career and benefit of organization. Based on the literatures and interviews from varies countries; and by in-depth interviewing with 11 masters from the international tourist hotel for their experiences, thoughts, and suggestions. Concludes the results into 3 surfaces: 1. There are five mentoring function dimensions: role model, forgiving mistakes, psychological counselling, enhancing self-confidence, experience and technical 2. There are six interaction and process dimensions: heritage leadership. , care and closeness, sharing of work experience, team atmosphere, innovative guide, mentor. 3. There are five career development dimensions: Challenging work, job performance, promotion, reducing employee turnover, training successors.
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