


Factors Influencing Employee Turnover Intentions: Evidence from P Company




李美珍(Mei-Jane Lee);林筱增(Hsiao-Tseng Lin);李昭憲(Chao-Hsien Lee)


人力派遣 ; 離職意圖 ; 工作績效 ; 工作滿足 ; 組織承諾 ; Dispatch ; Turnover Intention ; Job Satisfaction ; Organizational Commitment ; Job Performance




29卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


163 - 179




隨著經濟環境變革,近年台灣人力派遣行業有快速成長的趨勢,然而由於勞務密集行業的派遣人力離職率偏高,造成經營業者人力與行政等管理上之困難,亦爲派遣業者在僱用派遣員工時最擔心的問題,屬經營清潔人力派遣業之P公司有類似之問題。然而針對已離職員工進行離職行爲之研究有諸多限制,惟回顧相關文獻後發現離職意圖有助於離職行爲之預測,故本研究篩選出「工作績效」、「工作滿足」、「組織承諾」等三個影響離職意圖較重要之變項來深入探討其問之關聯性。本研究係以P公司全體基層員工爲研究對象,採問卷調查方式,發出問卷共計350份,扣除45份無效問卷,回收有效問卷共計305份,回收率爲87.1%,採用5Pss統計軟體進行資料分析。 研究結果顯示:工作績效、工作滿足、組織承諾與離職意圖呈負向顯著關聯性;工作績效、工作滿足、組織承諾三變項間有正向的關聯性。依此研究結果,本研究提出具體建議供P公司及相關人力派遣公司日後改善人力資源經營管理適性策略之參考,以降低員工離職率。


The temporary manpower industry has been developed quickly over the past few years in Taiwan. There were an increasing number of people who were not considered employees in the traditional sense, but rather considered as temporary employees in their fields. Those people who were hired out by the temporary placement service companies aimed to gain either income or working experience through the temporary placement work. However, the turnover rate of the temporary employees has grown greatly as well, which caused waste in the placement companies, the business and individual employees. The problem was inappropriate placement of workers by the placement companies. Managers of the Clean Manpower Dispatch P Corporation had the same problem as well. It is difficult to conduct research on those turnovers, and results of literature review suggest that the turnover intention is a good alternate. In view of this, the first concern was to understand the factors on turnover intention, which could help businesses to predict the employees' acts of quitting their jobs. The purpose of this study was to investigate how turnover intention affects the job performance, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. The design of the proposed study utilized a quantitative research design to collect and analyzed data. A questionnaire was developed to conduct this study. The setting is at P Corporation in Taipei. The sample for this study was a population of approximately 350 employees. 45 surveys returned were invalid and 305 were effective. This provided for an effective response rate of 87.1%. SPSS was used to analyze the effective data. The study did find significant differences in the factors of turnover intention. There is a strong negative relationship between turnover intention and job performance, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The study concludes that job performance, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment had significant influences toward turnover intention. The research also provides P Corporation relevant findings and specific suggestions to help reduce the turnover rate.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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