
Motivation Orientation Used by Taiwanese Applied English Majors in the English Journalism Course






陳柏安(Bo-An Chen);蘇佳君(Chia-Chun Su)


英文選修科目 ; 內在動機傾向 ; 外在動機傾向 ; 性別因素 ; 混合研究法 ; 任務價值 ; Elective course ; Intrinsic goal orientation ; Extrinsic goal orientation ; Gender variation ; Mixed method ; Task value


Hwa Kang Journal of English Language & Literature


15期(2009 / 06 / 01)


37 - 51




本文目標主要研究臺灣應用英語系學生在“新闆英文”這一門選修課中所使用的學習動機傾向。在本文中,研究者使用嵌入式連序性混合研究法(Sequential Embedded Mixed Method Approach)來收集及分析量化及質化的資料。量化結果顯示內在動機傾向與外在動機傾向有正向性的關聯。此外,學習英文時間的長短是影響學生學習動機的重要因素之一。然而,研究結果顯示性別不是影響學生學習動機的一個重要因素。質性研究結果顯示大部分的受訪者使用較多的內在動機傾向,特別是對於這門課中低成就的學生。大部分的受訪者認為課程的教材及內容可以幫助他們增加英語能力。研究結果也發現當與這些低成就的學生相互比較時,高成就學生在這門課中使用較多的外在動機傾向和任務價值。


This research emphasized finding the motivation orientation Taiwanese Applied English majors used in an elective course named ”English Journalism.” The researcher used the sequential embedded mixed method approach to collect and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative findings indicated that a positive correlation existed between Applied English majors' intrinsic goal orientation and extrinsic goal orientation. In addition, the length of time studying English was proven a factor influencing students' motivation orientation. How ever, the findings showed there was no significant difference between males' and females' use of motivation orientation in the course. The qualitative findings showed that most interviewees used intrinsic motivation in this course, especially low-achieving students. Most of the interviewees thought the course materials could help them improve their English competency. The findings also showed that identified high-achieving students used more extrinsic goal orientation and task value than identified low-achieving students did.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
社會科學 > 教育學
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