


A Study of the Outcomes of National Skill Testing on the Child Care Giver and Anxiety Degree




黃美凰(Mei-Huang Huang);羅希哲(Shi-Jer Lou);唐潤洲(Jun-Chou Tang)


保母人員 ; 技能檢定 ; 焦慮程度 ; anxiety degree ; Child Care Giver ; skill testing




2期(2004 / 12 / 01)


201 - 236




The purpose of this study is to investigate the outcomes of National skill testing for the Child Care Giver and the anxiety degree of those participating. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) which includes the State part and the Trait part was used to examine the degree of anxiety. 292 individuals participated in National skill testing for the child care giver in Ping-tung. SPSS 10.0 for Windows was used to analyze this data. The results are shown in below: 1. The average (SD) of the State part of STAI in pre-testing and testing period are separately 51.23(SD=11.20)and 55.85(SD=10.58). The average (SD) of the Trait part in pre-testing and testing period are separately 45.53(SD=8.89)and 45.75(SD=8.49)in the Department of Early Childhood Education (Two-Year university program) graduates. 2. There was a significant positive correlation between pre-testing and testing period scores in STAI in the Department of Early Childhood Education (Two-Year university program) graduates (P<.05). There was significant in the scores of the Trait part between people of different training backgrounds (P<.05). However, the scores of STAI in the testing period revealed a low negative correlation with the operating testing. 3. The average of the written testing is 88.91 while the average of the operating testing is 77.3. 81.5% of the subjects had passed through the National skill testing. There was a significant difference between the demographic data and the written testing (P<.05), while the training institutions affected the results of the operating tests (P<.05). The items of「cooking area」were different in contributing toward the Child Care Giver testing (P<.01). 4. The open question indicated that more practice in pre-testing is the key to conquer the anxiety and to pass the National skill testing for the Child Care Giver. People who want to take this testing need more practice in the skills of the「medicine area」 than the「playing area」. The results of this study may provide some effective strategies to the institutions related the Child Care Giver testing.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the outcomes of National skill testing for the Child Care Giver and the anxiety degree of those participating. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) which includes the State part and the Trait part was used to examine the degree of anxiety. 292 individuals participated in National skill testing for the child care giver in Ping-tung. SPSS 10.0 for Windows was used to analyze this data. The results are shown in below: 1. The average (SD) of the State part of STAI in pre-testing and testing period are separately 51.23(SD=11.20)and 55.85(SD=10.58). The average (SD) of the Trait part in pre-testing and testing period are separately 45.53(SD=8.89)and 45.75(SD=8.49)in the Department of Early Childhood Education (Two-Year university program) graduates. 2. There was a significant positive correlation between pre-testing and testing period scores in STAI in the Department of Early Childhood Education (Two-Year university program) graduates (P<.05). There was significant in the scores of the Trait part between people of different training backgrounds (P<.05). However, the scores of STAI in the testing period revealed a low negative correlation with the operating testing. 3. The average of the written testing is 88.91 while the average of the operating testing is 77.3. 81.5% of the subjects had passed through the National skill testing. There was a significant difference between the demographic data and the written testing (P<.05), while the training institutions affected the results of the operating tests (P<.05). The items of「cooking area」were different in contributing toward the Child Care Giver testing (P<.01). 4. The open question indicated that more practice in pre-testing is the key to conquer the anxiety and to pass the National skill testing for the Child Care Giver. People who want to take this testing need more practice in the skills of the「medicine area」 than the「playing area」. The results of this study may provide some effective strategies to the institutions related the Child Care Giver testing.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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