


The model of SOEs' Reform in the PRC




馬祥祐(Xiang-Yu Ma)


國企改革 ; 民營化 ; 私有化 ; 全球化 ; 在地化 ; SOE Reform ; Privatization ; Private Management ; Globalization ; Localization




6期(2008 / 11 / 01)


321 - 365




資本主義全球化的過程中,彰顯在國企改革層面上的具體表現是,西方國企改革模式的全球化,本文研究發現西方國企改革作為具有固定模式,這個模式在東歐蘇聯的震盪式改革歷程中,幾乎被無條件的接受與實現,在歐美之外的其他國家也受到廣泛運用與肯定。根據這個改革模式考察中國的國企改革作為,本文發現中國並無法抵抗這個體制改革的潮流,同樣的改革模式,無例外的,也在中國大陸內部運作。 本文研究發現,中國的國企改革模式是一個全球化與在地化的國企改革觀點對話後的產物。從總體觀之,中國的國企改革模式基本上是一個全球化的改革模式,如同西方的國企改革模式,均是先採取治理機制變革後再進行產權變革,並與國際同步的是,均在90年代採行產權變革的改革動作。然而在堅持走「有中國特色」改革路徑的思想指導下,與「意識型態是否正確」的顧慮下,具有「在地化」特色的國企改革作為-產權重組,也在其中積極運作。因而出現外在模式為全球化式的改革,但實質內容卻以在地化作為-產權重組為主,全球化改革作為-產權釋出為輔的改革作法。 本文以為,在現實發展需求的驅使下,加上中國國企的數量仍如此龐大,經營效率仍然不佳,中國終將逐步擴大「全球化」的作為-產權釋出,在改革內容上重回全球化的國企改革路徑。而隨著中國國企產權釋出與私有化的發展,相應的是私有產權的茁壯,這不僅有助於中國國企的營運改善與中國經濟的發展,聯帶的在產權關係的逐步多元化與明確化下,為捍衛產權的相關權利與穩定性,將迫使中國走向法治發展,長期更將引發政治層面的進一步改革與發展。


The Privatization of SOEs is one of the most important symbols of the globalization of capitalism in the world. This trend of privatization started in UK, spread to East Europe and Russia after the collapse of the communist countries, and permeated into the PRC after the open door policy adopted in mainland china. But due to the insistence of Marxism and reforms with Chinese characteristics, the privatization of SOEs does not accept entirely in the PRC. This paper find the model of SOEs' reform in the PRC is a unique one. It has the appearances of globalization-companying and privatization, just like the western world did, and the contents of localization- property right restructuring. The property right restructuring was the mainstream of SOEs' reform in the end of 1990s, but now the privatization is getting more and more important in the PRC. Although the privatization of SOEs in the PRC still has a long way to go, but the effects of privatization are changing the PRC now. As the privatization of SOEs goes on, the private property rights would get stronger, and the rule by law and civil society would get more space for developing in the same time. In short term, the privatization of SOEs just only improves the economic of the PRC. But in long term, it opens the door to democracy for the people.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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