My purpose of thesis is to demonstrate that life education is not single concepte, but multiple perspective. And if study life education by confucianism, we'll find life education is not only learning knowledge, but also enlightening student's moral life. Therefore my thesis has three demonstration. Firstly, analysis Confucius and Mencius'benevolence(仁) and righteousness(義) thinking, illustrates benevolence and righteousness thinking not only as moral philosophy and ethics, but also emphasis on philosophical practise. Secondly, the life with benevolence and righteousness is related to the world, and making the life world full of meaning. Thirdly, respond to courses of life education, benevolence and righteousness thinking that in course of philosophy and life establishes values, distinguishes what is right and what is wrong, and it lead us to face to all kinds of difficulties. About the course of moral thinking and choices, according to the benevolence and righteousness thinking, we can make moral judgment, thinks about the original of values, and it makes us form relations to cosmos. Finally, I come to the conclusion that Confucius and Mencius' benevolence and righteousness thinking imply the life education.