


The Crisis Handle of the Qing Government after the Wuchang Uprising




詹士模(Shyh-Mo Jan)


武昌起義 ; 清政府 ; 危機處理 ; 袁世凱 ; 清朝滅亡 ; the Wuchang Uprising ; the Qing government ; Crisis handle ; Yuan Shikai ; the Fall of the Qing Dynasty




9期(2012 / 01 / 01)


73 - 97






The Wuchang Uprising broke out on August 19, 1911. After the Wuchang Uprising, the Qing government dispatched two divisions New Army commanding by the military minister Yin Chang, to go to the city of Wuhan to suppress the rebellion. Yin Chang can not command the New Army. The Qing government employed Yuan Shikai previously dismissed as Governor-General of Hubei and Hunan on August 23, and then as Imperial Commissioner in charge of all china's armies on September 6.At the same time, the Qing government was suffering from financial difficulties led to the control from central to local government weaken, and the maintenance of the government increasingly difficulty. The Qing government permitted the Prime Minister Yih Kuang resigned on September 11, and appointed Yuan Shikai to be the Prime Minister. After Yuan Shikai arrived at Peking on September 23, he controlled the military power first, removed the defence forces from the Qing court. He compelled the prince regent Tzay Feng abdicated the throne. He utilized armed forces to extort money from the royal kinsmen, and to extract the property from the royal household, and to compel the emperor abdicated the throne finally.The crisis handle of the Qing government was employed Yuan Shikai previously dismissed. After Yuan Shikai gained the great power gradually, he utilized armed forces to compel the Qing emperor Puyi abdicated the throne, and the Qing dynasty fall finally.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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