


Case Review and Future Development of Municipal Sewage Sludge on Environmental Properties and Reuse




王世忠(Shih-Chung Wang);何志軒(Chih-Hsuan Ho);胡紹華(Shao-Hua Hu);陳佳陽(Jia-Yang Chen)


下水污泥 ; 資源再利用 ; 環境影響 ; 沸石 ; Seawage sludge ; resource reuse ; environmental impact ; zeolite




21期(2006 / 12 / 01)


231 - 249




國內加速推動污水下水道建設,以每年提昇污水下水道普及率3%爲階段目標,民國92年污泥量將約爲18萬立方公尺/日,而民國98年則增加至40萬立方公尺/日。在產生如此數量龐大的污泥下,廢污泥衍生之處理與處置問題將是需要迫切解決的環保議題。由於台灣自然資源匱乏與處置場址難求等困境下,減量與資源化成爲廢棄物管理的重要方向。因此將廢污泥予以妥善處理及資源化有其迫切性與必要性。 目前各先進國家在下水污泥資源化上,大致可分爲能源化、資材化、材料化與土地利用等四大方向發展。經過多年的研究發展,各項下水污泥之資源化技術已趨於成熟,而其中在回收污泥灰渣,作爲重金屬吸附劑方面之相關研究中,下水污泥焚化後的灰渣確實有吸附重金屬之能力。因此,爲利用其吸附重金屬能力的相關性質來提高下水污泥焚化灰渣資源化的競爭力與價值,將提出以下水污泥做爲固相起始原料來轉換合成沸石的概念,期盼未來在下水污泥灰渣資源化上提供另一個再利用的途徑,達到廢棄資源永續使用之方向與目標。


Owing to the building of sewage sewer was developed and the rate was 3% in the current, the amount of the sludge was estimated to be 180,000 m3/day and 400,000 m3/day respectively between 2003 and 2009. The treatment and disposal of the sludge is costly presenting a heavy social and financial burden for the government. This paper focuses on waste minimization and resource recovery of the sludge to discuss the current environmental issues. The recovery of the sludge was classified as energy recovery, raw material recovery, material recovery and land utilization. These treatment methods of sewage sludge were discussed in the past year, especially, the absorption application of the sludge was interested and feasible in the cited research. For increasing the utilization value which was caused the adsorption characteristic of incinerated sewage sludge, therefore, some related references were discussed in this paper. The idea of synthetic zeolite of sewage sludge might be come true in the future, and the waste would be recycled to reuse in the environment.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 醫藥衛生綜合
生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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