


A Study of the Coastal Range Geological Resources Distribution and Economic Value Added Framework




游麗方(Li-Fang Yu);門田真人(Masahito Kadota)


海岸山脈 ; 珊瑚化石 ; 有孔蟲化石 ; 生痕化石 ; 附加價值 ; value added ; the coastal range ; coral fossil ; foraminifera fossil ; trace fossil




21期(2006 / 12 / 01)


33 - 53




台灣東部海岸山脈特殊的地質及地形,其中富變化的不同岩層、傾斜角度及斷層裂隙等,在研究區其中的四條溪流,發現頗具有發展地質景觀生態旅遊之潛力,分別有丁子漏溪參觀生痕化石、貓公溪探尋海扇蛤貝化石、秀姑巒溪探訪有孔蟲及多種古生物化石、及三富溪探索珊瑚化石的活動規劃,上述四條溪流皆位於豐濱鄉境內,特別是前兩條溪流位於豐濱村,此區域為海岸山脈花蓮縣境內腹地最大的臨海處,且尚未能發展觀光事業,估計是目前台灣東部地區參訪古生物之石灰岩地質景觀最佳場域,可發展生態旅遊的經濟附加價值。 本研究無論是在22、20、18、12、11、10號等溪谷,都發現珊瑚化石,甚至在10溪流之支流,發現鐘乳岩的石灰華地質,未來若能有完善的保護及法規的嚴格執行,則以地質的生態觀光帶動地方收益,能夠創立獨特於僅有動植物生態的觀光行銷策略。


The Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasia plate is well know for processing extrusion in east Taiwan, produces the coastal range and its unique tilt and the fault crevasse stratum. There are four cases in this research area which we discovered the potential for the development into geology landscape eco-tourism. We suggest visiting the trace fossil in the Dingzilou, the scallop clam and shell fossil in the Maogong, foraminifera and many kinds of extinct organism fossil in the Xiuguluan, and coral fossil in Sanfu brook. These are all located within the boundaries of the Fengbin township, specially the first two brooks are located in the abundant Fengbin village. This region is the biggest hinterland in upper seacoast range in Hualian County. It is the best field for visiting antiquities biological landscape and geology limestone comprise different fossil in the eastern area senate, which the Philippine Sea plate extrusion creates extremely value added for eco-tourism. This research investigated the ravine of No. 22, 20, 18, 12, 11, 10 etc. We discovered the coral fossil and in the branch of the 10 brooks. The execution of future protection needs faultless laws and regulation to increase the development of geological ecology. Tourist attraction may raise the income of township, because it is uniquely different with the establishment of zoology and botany in the other landscape.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 醫藥衛生綜合
生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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