


Teaching Training for English Teachers in the Elementary School: An internship Case Study




林尤美(Yu-Mi Lin)


學生教師 ; 英語教學實習 ; 實習教師自評表 ; 教學觀察評量表 ; student teachers ; internship ; self-evaluation ; classroom observation




1期(2005 / 06 / 01)


184 - 208




理論與實務要如何結合進而培育出具備社會與國際競爭力的大學生,一直是從事大學教育者所關切的議題之一。畢竟英文能力佳並不代表就能成爲優秀的英文教師,良好的「教學」能力事實上是要透過專業的訓練、持續的經驗累積以及不斷的反思自省培養而來。本計劃之主要目的在於探討學生接受基本的英語教學能力訓練後,是否能將所學運用於實際的教學情境中,進而累積學生實際的教學經驗,藉此爲將來正式進入教學崗位做準備。本計畫屬跨校合作案,由本系十六位大三、大四學生擔任學生教師(student teachers)分別至新竹市「東門國小」及「茄苳國小」參與爲期六週的英語教學實習。前、後置作業從學期初一直持續到學期末,除最後六週的教學實習外,從一開始的分班測驗之試卷製作、試卷批改、編班、教材編輯、教案設計、教具製作一直到最後的成果發表等皆由本系學生教師全程參與。本計劃結果藉由學生教師在實習期間每次課後填寫的「實習教師自評表」、實習結束後的心得報告書、協同教學的小學班導師所填寫的「教學觀察評量表」以及與本人固定課堂中針對教學議題的討論記錄及實際教室觀察等一同來探討教學實習對於學生英語教學能力培養之象徵意義。


How do we incorporate both theoretical and practical training into our educational environments for cultivating college students so that they will be capable of competing with the others in our society and even in the global world? This is one of the issues that all the educators are concerned about. During the four-year professional training, English-majored students are required to take not only four-skill courses but also linguistic and literature ones. In addition, some other English teaching courses are the elective ones that promote the development of teaching competence. These courses are offered for those students who are interested in teaching English. Some people might not deny that English competence is not the only concern for being an outstanding teacher. It is also important to develop oneself in the field of education to learn about teaching approaches, strategies, philosophy, professional development and self-reflection, etc. The main purpose of this study is to discuss if our students can really apply what they have learned in the teaching classes into a real teaching world. Moreover, to add students' practical teaching experiences and prepare them in the potential teaching market, the internship would be provided during the instruction of teaching courses. Sixteen subjects participated in a six-week internship and served as 'student teachers' in two different elementary schools. They were responsible for a placement test, class arrangement, teaching materials, lesson plans, teaching aids and the presentation of students' achievement in the end. Thus this study is to exam if an internship shows any significant improvement for enhancing student teachers' teaching competence through some written documents including 'self-evaluation forms' and 'reflection papers' written by them, 'classroom observation forms' filled by school teachers from the elementary schools, and both the discussing records with student teachers and classroom observations implemented by the researcher.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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