


A study on the scale of elementary school teacher's acceptance toward physical education






體育教學 ; 接受度 ; 驗證式因素分析 ; Physical education ; Acceptance ; Confirmatory factor analysis




15期(2016 / 08 / 01)


14 - 37






The objective of this study was to use Gee-Wen Ding's article (2011) "A study of the relationship between lifelong learning literacy and professional attitude of public junior high and elementary school teachers" as a framework, and adopt a rigorous approach to compile the scale of elementary school teachers' acceptance toward physical education. To conduct the research, a questionnaire was developed to survey on the sample space with 500 elementary school teachers. The study consists of three stages: topics of the scale development with skewness and kurtosis analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. The research results indicate the scale contains three factors: cognition, affection, and skills respectively. There is a total of 12 topics included in the scale. The scale shows good reliability and validity; but some of the indicators for goodness of fit do not meet the standard. Conclusions: The study shows that the compiled scale is suitable for the measurement of the elementary school teachers' acceptance toward physical education. In the applied analysis, it was found that the three factors of the scale were both reliable and valid in skewness and kurtosis analysis, Exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. Suggestions: some division or topics of the scale were not comprehensive enough, future study may correct or improve these variables to make the measurement using the scale more accurate.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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