The technical detail and level of the voyages led by Cheng Ho and eunuchs in the early Ming dynasty is still an unsolved puzzle with very limited data and has generated controversies, the most conspicuous of which is on Chinese junks' performance and navigation techniques. This article reviews past research on and evidence of various types of Chinese junks' performance, including (a) description of their features and outlook since 19th century, (b) summary of manufacturing methods, (c) ocean crossing vessels, and (d) current simulation/computation of the sails' and hulls' performance. However, it was found that few studies adopted modern scientific and engineering knowledge and methodology to examine real junks or models. It is then suggested that future research on Chinese junks should not only use the model experiments and computer simulation to investigate their performance but also apply experimental archaeology methodology, especially in the field of construction technology of real ships to test ancient tools, techniques, equipments, and hulls' performance.
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