


Marine Tourism and Local Development in Taiwan-In a Case of Leisure Fishery




林谷蓉(Ku-Jung Lin)


海洋觀光 ; 地方發展 ; 休閒漁業 ; 全球在地化 ; Marine tourism ; Local development ; Leisure fishery ; Glocalization




8期(2010 / 06 / 01)


147 - 186






Nowadays, leisure tourism activities have become one part of people's lives. The tourist industry has a laudatory calling as the ”gold mine in this century,” and marine tourism plays a multi-dimensional developing role day after day. Taiwan is surrounded by the ocean, but due to the prohibition policy in the past days, people are afraid of going out to the ocean, hindering development of marine tourism. Since martial law was lifted, followed by implementation of two-day weekends that led to an increase in tourism, the marine leisure activity has become a fresh alternative. In multi-dimensional varieties of marine tourism, ”leisure fishery” as a new force has suddenly come to the fore: e.g., leisure fishing boats, recreational fishing, enjoying whales and dolphins watching, tourist fish market, leisure fishing ports, and aquariums. These not only become new leisure activities for people but also push forward new local development mode for counties. Facing severe shock of globalization, we usually emphasize the characteristics of local nature and humanistic culture to promote local economy. The cooperation of regional government, civil society organizations and local residents promotes local prosperity. Moreover, to promote leisure fishery, some counties or regions work toward ”industrialization of leisure fishery.” By developing leisure fishery, the overall local economy prospers, manifesting uniqueness and value of the locale. This article explores Taiwan's marine leisure development from a perspective of marine tourism and local development, including laws, policies, content, and theory/strategy. Besides probing Taiwan leisure fishery and local economic growth, this study takes Keelung City as an example to analyze its recent development of marine tourism and leisure fishery, the scheme of city transformation, and relations between them.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
人文學 > 中國文學
基礎與應用科學 > 海洋科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
社會科學 > 軍事學
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