Among the 3,035 works collected in the Quan Tang Wen (全唐文, Complete Tang Prose), only 61 works by 47 writers were related to ocean writing. Although the quantity of these ocean-related proses was minimal, it could still be noted that the theme gradually increased from the early to the late Tang Dynasty, in line with the trend of ocean literature developing and thriving overtime. On the other hand, the ocean-themed proses in Tang were characterized by the form of "Fu" (賦), a type of literature focused on expressing one's emotions by means of beautiful narration of objects and personal experiences. The evolving writing style inherited the tradition of ocean writing and expanded the imagination of ocean myths. At the same time, writers competed to compose outstanding ocean proses, and there were unprecedentedly large-scale works of more than 5,000 words dedicated to the theme of ocean tide generation. In terms of literature forms, there were straightforward descriptions of the sea as well as chanting the sea to express one's feelings. Also, there were works that made use of mythical imaginations and metaphors to describe all kinds of ocean features. In addition, some works gives theoretical explanation for various ocean phenomena. Therefore, the Tang Dynasty played a considerably important role in the course of the development of Chinese classical ocean prose.