


The Characteristics of Duty of Disclosure in Insurance Law




汪信君(Hsin-Chun Wang)


誠信原則 ; 最大善意 ; 告知義務 ; 不真正義務 ; 錯誤 ; 詐欺 ; 締約上過失 ; 情報提供義務 ; uberrimae fidei ; Good Faith ; Misrepresentation ; Non-disclosure ; Mistake ; Fraudulent Misrepresentation ; Remedy of Non-Disclosure ; Tort




36卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


1 - 54




按告知義務者,於學說上之論述並非要保人之給付義務,亦非屬附隨義務。實際上其所違反者僅爲契約上之不真正義務。依一般契約法理,違反不真正義務者,僅爲當事人其所得行使之權利受到減損,並不因此義務之違反而使他方當事人得請求債務不履行之損害賠償。但於保險契約上,違反此告知義務者,保險人得依保險法第六十四條第二項行使解除權。解除契約後,其所收取之保險費依保險法第二十五條得不返還於被保險人。此間法律效果差異似又與請求權行使受有限制或減損等有所差異,保險法上告知義務是否應與一般義務同視,即爲本文所欲探討之主要課題。 爲探究保險契約告知義務之法理基礎時,誠信原則與英美國家之最大善意原則向爲影響保險契約告知義務最爲重要之法理基礎。惟於立法例之比較上,誠信原則與最大善意原則等理論之發展,於德日等國以及英美各國卻呈現不同型態之發展,因此本文首先就影響告知義務最爲里要之法理基礎,論述其所產生之影響與現狀。 基於誠信原則與最大善意原則之論述,本文進一步再就保險契約上告知義務之性質加以探討。保險契約上之告知義務是否與一般義務有無差異,或該項義務之違反所生之法律效果究應何者規範較爲適當?本文即就告知義務性質上之論爭,同時以該義務違反對於契約雙方當事人之影響作爲探究本問題之判斷基礎。同時又因告知義務之履行時期與對於保險人之意思表示所可能產生之影響有所類似,尤其於締約上過失與告知義務兩者間之適用關係上是否應互相排斥,抑或得由保險人自行選擇行使,於本文論述中即認爲締約上過失理論之爰引有其必要,且得更進一步維持保險契約之效力與雙方對價關係之正當性。


This study is to analyze on the duty of good faith in the insurance contract and to define the differences of the ”Obliegenheit” between Civil Law and Insurance Law In order to evaluate and control the risks undertaken by insurers, it is necessary to maintain the doctrine of non-disclosure As a I result an insured should disclosure the material information which would influence the judgment of a prudent insurer in fixing the premium or determining whether he will take the risk In the breach of this duty the remedy for non-disclosure is recession of the contract and may recover damages based on the tort of deceit The duty of non disclosure has been categorized as ”Obliegenheit” in German Insurance Law (VVG), which are different from other duties such as ”Nebenpflicht” The main difference between ”Obliegenheit” and other ”Pflicht” is the remedy of these duties The remedy of die obliegenheiten would only affect the right of the claimant The remedy of this duty in Taiwan Insurance Law, however is quite different from the duty described in the context of section 217 of the Taiwanese Civil Code While the purpose of disclosure is to enable the insurer to decide whether to make the contract of insurance, it would consequently involve with several legal issues such as mistake misrepresentation fraud and tort This paper will employ England, U. S., German and Japanese articles on the duty of disclosure to discuss the characteristic of the duty of disclosure and its remedy thoroughly.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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