


Considering the Applicability of the SPS Agreement to GMOs in Terms of the Panel Report in the EC-Biotech Dispute




林彩瑜(Tsai-Yu Lin)


歐體生技產品爭端 ; GMO ; SPS協定 ; 爭端解決 ; 風險評估 ; 預防措施 ; EC bio-tech ; GMOs ; SPS Agreement ; dispute settlement ; risk assessment ; precautionary measure




36卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


257 - 323




「歐體-影響生技產品核可與上市措施」爭端案(European Communities-Measures affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products,以下簡稱EC-Biotech)係WTO首件GMO貿易爭端案,自其於2006年9月發佈以來,即受到各界極大的關注。在長達二千多頁的報告中,小組作出許多值得探討及具開創性之裁決,對未來WTO處理GMO爭端具有指引性之潛在影響。本文之目的,係以EC-Biotech案之裁決爲基礎,探討SPS協定對GMO之適用,對會員規範GMO風險造成之衝擊。在架構安排上,本文首先介紹歐體核可生技產品上市之運作與程序。其次,將從SPS措施之目的、形式及性質要素之角度,探討本案所涉特定GMO措施是否構成SPS措施。就此部份,主要之關切在於GMO風險爲SPS風險、禁止GMO產品進口及GMO標示等論辯。再者,本文將個別分析GMO上市核可之不當遲延、實施風險評估與SPS預防措施等爭點,並作出結論。本文作者將提出其對本案爭端裁決之疑問及評析,以爲貢獻。


European communities-Measures affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products, the first WTO dispute settlement report involving GMOs disputes, has received enormous publicity since its recent issuance in September 2006. In more than two thousands of pages of the panel report, many noteworthy and innovative findings were contained and have the potential to direct future changes handling GMOs in the context of the WTO. This paper will address how the applicability of the SPS Agreement to GMOs impacts the countries which want to regulate the possible risks arising from GMOs in terms of the rulings adjudicated in the Bio-tech dispute. Second Ⅱ will first provide an overall review of the operation and application by the European Communities of its regime for approval of bio-tech products. Section Ⅲ will examine whether a relevant GMO measure constitutes an SPS measure, viewing from the perspective of the purpose, form and nature elements indicated by the text of SPS Agreement. On this point, particular concerns will be placed on the arguments as to GMOs as an SPS risk, a prohibition on the importation of GMOs and GMOs labeling. In the remaining parts of this paper, the issues on undue delay in the approval of bio-tech products, the undertaking of risk assessment and SPS-type precautionary measures will be analyzed. The concluding remarks of this paper will be provided in section Ⅵ. In this paper, the author will provide her questions and comments on the panel's findings as a contribution.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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