


The Transformation of Civil Laws in Colonial Taiwan under the Interaction of Theory and Policy: Reference to the Santaro Okamatsu Doduments




王泰升(Tay-Sheng Wang)


舊慣 ; 岡松參太郎 ; 土地登記 ; 親屬繼承法 ; 法典化 ; 習慣法 ; old customs ; Santaro Okamatsu ; land registration ; family and succession law ; codification ; the customary law




37卷3期(2008 / 09 / 01)


47 - 95






After Japan governed Taiwan in the late 19th century, the Japanese colonial authorities retained Santaro Okamatsu, a legal professor in Kyoto University, to investigate old customs of Taiwanese and complete the codification of them. With his talent in interpreting legal provisions, Santaro Okamatsu did this job for the purpose of supporting his academic argument, that is, a good civil code should take into accounts not only legal institutions in the modern West but also culture and society in East Asia. Based on the legal knowledge supplied by Santaro Okamatsu, the goal of adopting a legal institution is to pursue the best interest of the government. Superficially, Santaro Okamatsu was influential for the civil law in the former period of Japanese rule. This success, however, resulted from his meeting the need of policy of the state. Once the policy changed, the draft of civil code for which Santaro Okamatsu had worked for over ten years was given up. What Santaro Okamatsu is missed today is his excellent legal interpretation of Taiwanese old customs and its codification. In fact, such an academic achievement is the best contribution a legal scholar can do. Interestingly, under the democratization and localization in Taiwan in the 1990s, a group of Taiwanese legal scholars who have similar academic background and opinion with Santaro Okamatsu, companying the legislative organ and courts in Taiwan, have largely carried out the dream of Santaro Okamatsu, namely, to enact and implement a modern civil code corresponding with the culture and society of who are governed by the code.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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