


The Examination of the Policy of Early Childhood Education from the Perspective of the Constitutional Guarantees




許育典(Yue-Dian Hsu);洪嘉佑(Chia-Yu Hong)


幼兒教育政策 ; 教育基本權 ; 自我實現 ; 兒童教育及照顧法 ; 幼稚教育法 ; the policy of early childhood education ; the fundamental right to education ; self-fulfillment ; the Act of Early Childhood Education and Care ; the Act of Early Childhood Education




37卷4期(2008 / 12 / 01)


285 - 345






Facing the social vicissitude, early childhood education must depend heavily on the parents, the country and kindergartens to guarantee and to help children's self-fulfillment. The country is not just the observer of forming the policy of early childhood education and looking after children. The country should obligate the responsibility of supervision of kindergartens under the Article 162 of the Constitution. The Article 21 of the Constitution is the content and the boundary of the supervision. The country must practice the equality of educational opportunity and Article 21 of the Constitution by the welfare state principle of the Constitution and help children's self-fulfillment. Under the Article 21 of the Constitution, the country must give the children the fundamental right to early childhood education and make laws to help children to have healthy minds and bodies and self-fulfillment. Furthermore, the policy of early childhood education must be ruled by laws. The policy must be formed with the democratic procedure because this can help people to think which policy is good for their children. Finally, we will overlook the Act of Early Childhood Education and Care and other related laws based on the Article 21 of the Constitution and the welfare state principle of the Constitution.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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