


Regulation of Speculation in the Financial Market by Derivative Instruments: From the Economic Perspective




陳肇鴻(Chao-Hung Chen)


投機 ; 避險 ; 衍生性商品 ; 期貨 ; 信用違約交換 ; 經濟分析 ; 系統性風險 ; 賭博 ; 保險利益 ; 集中清算 ; speculation ; hedging ; derivatives ; futures ; credit default swap ; economic analysis ; systemic risk ; gambling wagering ; insurable interest ; clearing




39卷3期(2010 / 09 / 01)


167 - 222






This article argues that market speculation is a conduct to acquire benefits by undertaking risk. Derivative instruments are powerful tools for market participants to conduct market speculation, which may help hedging, market making and completing investment market. However, pure and excessive speculation might cause net loss of market efficiency and create external costs. Some speculative transactions may imply asymmetric information. Market speculation might also lead to market abuse and even systemic risk. These reasons provide the basis to regulate market speculation by derivatives trading. This paper argues that Taiwan law might build on current regulatory model centring on the type of financial institution and devise legal rules to restraint the amount of speculative transactions and to avoid risk from spreading in order to contain problems from market speculation. In addition, in the retail market, Taiwan law might employ a certain degree of direct product regulation in order to clarify terms of relevant derivative contracts and the rights and obligations of parties in order to reduce the negative consequences of speculation/investment by way of derivative instruments.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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